Like Galaxies Colliding

Around the campfire we huddled for warmth
And filled the night with our own song
And later, the frenzied dancing the velvet cape – oh toro toro!
Like galaxies colliding in the pitch black sky
Planetary orbitals, gravitational pull
The entanglement of bodies in space and time
Before I knew, there was anything missing from this world
The golden cocktails,
the brandied cherries
The forbidden fruit you fed me,
as your fingers brushed my lips
The hidden places,
we found ourselves
The urgent confessions, that you whispered in my ear
Ces soirs la, je penses à toi
Sous les étoiles quand la nuit est froid
Chauffe tes mains près de ma cœur
Regarde mes yeux, et n’hesite pas
These evenings, I think of you
Under the stars when the night is cold
Warm your hands close to my heart
Look at my eyes, and don’t hesitate
Far away from the city lights, on a cloudless night, it’s amazing what the star filled sky looks like and the passion it inspires. What can astrophysics teach us about love?
We are born out of nothingness and return to nothingness, moving in our time on this earth through both random and somewhat predictable interactions with strangers, families, friends and lovers. At times we are drawn inexplicably towards someone – almost by accident. In other cases our trajectories follow well foreseen paths, rising and falling through the milestones of coupling and decoupling, love and loss.
So too do the galaxies, stars and planets. Black holes have an innermost stable circular orbit. If you get too close, you inevitably plunge in. When two black holes merge, they become one forever. Galaxies do indeed collide. It takes millions of years, but that’s fast compared to the age of the universe. And in our own lifetimes, we collide, and these moments are fleeting but they redefine us forever.